PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4
This is Part 2 of an essay about komori (子守), young girls hired for childcare. They carried the burdens of the modern age on their young backs.
Winter was especially hard on komori. They would wear a special oversized padded haori coat known as a nenneko haori (ねんねこ袢纏) or komori hanten (子守半纏). It had wide sleeves, a larger overhang, was generally filled with cotton and was worn over the baby to keep both the komori and the baby warm.
Photos show that some komori also wore a kind of mini futon which must have been quite heavy and burdensome.
However, the haori and mini futon barely protected against the cold. In her book Autobiography of a Geisha (1957), Sayo Masuda (増田小夜, 1925–2008) recalls how she became a komori around five years old. Cold weather was torture, she writes:13
One of Masuda’s duties as a komori was washing the diapers. This was done in a nearby stream which froze in winter.14
Scorned by adults, picked on by other children, and exposed to the elements, komori naturally sought the company of each other. Often, they formed small groups to roam the neighborhood together and created a world of their own. Contemporary accounts mention their rough manners and coarse language.
Discrimination, neglect, and extreme weather were just three of many challenges a komori faced. Another was a lack of food. Although she carried a crying baby on her back all day long—demanding even for adults—the food she received could often barely sustain her.
Lots of komori songs have references to food. In one song a komori complains that she is always given pickled radish and rice gruel. “Why don’t you sometimes give me fish?” she asks.15 Masuda recalled that she was fed with leftovers:16
It is not clear how long a komori carried her charge on her back. Some sources mention children as old as four or five. A contemporary source mentioned that children of that age quite naturally “did not want to be on their komori’s back, but wanted to play by themselves.”17 To prevent their charges from interfering in their games, komori devised imaginative ways to control them. They even tied them to posts, “like horses, persuading them that it will be fun to be tied up.”18
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Living a life of slavery, with scoldings, beatings, and a crying baby on their young backs all day long, while being exposed to the elements, komori developed an inward resistance that expressed itself in their songs. Japanese anthropologist Mariko Tamanoi (玉野井麻利子, 1950~) describes this in her book Under the Shadow of Nationalism. Politics and Poetics of Rural Japanese Women:19
Komori songs, continues Tamanoi, “fostered a sense of solidarity, through which komori could acknowledge among themselves their freedom to pursue their material and sexual desires.”20 The latter was not always limited to “allusive and metaphorical references” as Japanese folklorist Tsuneichi Miyamoto (宮本常一, 1907-1981) discovered.
In 1941 (Showa 16) he interviewed a “tiny old man, well over eighty” in the village of Yusuhara (梼原) in the mountains of Kochi Prefecture. Tosa Genji, as Miyamoto called him, shared his very personal memories of komori as a young boy.21
Like the komori, Tosa Genji did not go to school. He also did not work, so hung out with the komori even in his early teens. An older komori introduced him to a new game. If you are prudish, you may want to skip the next quote.22
Such behavior may not have been that exceptional in the countryside. Frequent and strong sexual references during everyday conversations were commonplace in rural areas. Children picked up on that and would have become curious.
In the fall of 1935 (Showa 10) anthropologists John and Ella Embree (Ella’s name later became Wiswell) arrived at the small agricultural village of Suye in Kyushu’s Kumamoto Prefecture and studied the community for a year. Theirs is the only “corpus of data, secured by direct observation, on the day-to-day behavior of Japanese villagers before the Pacific War.”23
The aspect that especially startled the Embrees was the villagers’ continuous sexual joking and play, especially by women. Many villagers were excited to instruct Wiswell in the “vocabulary of sexual references and very curious to learn about how Americans dealt with this ever-absorbing topic.”24
Making sexual references was not limited to adults, the Embrees discovered. Young komori girls did so as well.25
The coarse language, the roaming around, the presumed promiscuity, but especially that these “rough” girls effectively raised Japan’s next generation, horrified Japan’s elite and newly emerging middle class. An increasing number of schoolteachers and journalists expressed their revulsion of what they considered extreme vulgarity.
Intend on showing the world that Japan was “enlightened and civilized,” and turning komori into productive subjects of the new nation-state it was building, the Japanese government launched programs to “abolish the evil ways of the past” and “reform” the komori.
Continue to Part 3 : A Danger to the Nation-State.
13 Masuda, Sayo (2003). Autobiography of a Geisha. New York : Columbia University Press, 13.
14 ibid, 14.
15 Asano Tamanoi, Mariko (1998). Under the Shadow of Nationalism. Politics and Poetics of Rural Japanese Women. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 77.
16 Masuda, Sayo (2003). Autobiography of a Geisha. New York : Columbia University Press, 12.
17 Asano Tamanoi, Mariko (1998). Under the Shadow of Nationalism. Politics and Poetics of Rural Japanese Women. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 64.
18 Smith, Robert J.; Wiswell, Ella Lury (1982). The women of Suye Mura. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 234.
19 Asano Tamanoi, Mariko (1998). Under the Shadow of Nationalism. Politics and Poetics of Rural Japanese Women. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 80.
20 ibid, 81.
21 Miyamoto, Tsuneichi; Irish, Jeffrey (2010). The Forgotten Japanese: Encounters with Rural Life and Folklore. Berkeley: Stone Bridge Press, 110.
22 ibid, 111.
23 Smith, Robert J.; Wiswell, Ella Lury (1982). The women of Suye Mura. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, ix.
24 ibid, 61.
25 ibid, 70–71.
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Kjeld Duits
Reference for Citations
Duits, Kjeld (). Outside 1880s: The Burden of Youth (2), OLD PHOTOS of JAPAN. Retrieved on January 20, 2025 (GMT) from
Glennis Dolce
It’s hard to imagine the hardships suffered by such young girls indentured for years as komori. Childhoods lost…
#000781 ·
Kjeld (Author)
@Glennis Dolce: Indeed. Although, the alternative was generally even worse. If they had stayed home the whole family may have died of starvation. Additionally, our concept of “childhood” is relatively new and did not exist yet in the Japan of the 1800s. Nonetheless, their suffering was very real.
#000782 ·