This photo, taken in Tokyo in May 1934, shows a young woman wearing an obi (the beautifully decorated sash used to tie the kimono) with a design that must have been quite modern at the time.
One more woman is wearing a kimono, while the two other women are wearing western style clothes, one of them a middy suit and a hat.
Middy suits originated in Great Britain in the second half of the 19th century. Based on naval suits, they became extremely popular with children during the 1880s. Until then, children had been dressed in very complicated adult clothing, so they loved the freedom of movement they had in the new suits.
Later, young women took to the middy suit as well, and the suits were eventually seen all over the world, including Japan.
This glass slide is one of a series of slides of Japan that was used by the New York State Education Department to teach students about Japan.
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Kjeld Duits
Reference for Citations
Duits, Kjeld (). Tokyo 1934: Modern Obi, OLD PHOTOS of JAPAN. Retrieved on February 10, 2025 (GMT) from
so beautiful!!!!!
the white Obi looks like cotton…?
I want to have same Kimono and Obi !!
light blue and green check patern… soooo cute!
thank you for upload !
#000284 ·
Kjeld Duits (Author)
#000285 ·