help save Japan’s visual heritage of daily life


160 Year Old Photos of Shinjuku's Jūnisō Discovered

I discovered three extremely rare, unidentified, and unknown photos of Jūnisō from the 1860s. Read the story about this extraordinary find.

Jūnisō Pond Chronology

This visual chronology uses rare images to show how Nishi-Shinjuku’s Jūnisō Pond changed between the 1860s and 1960s. Maps display the viewpoints.

Minka Floor Plan

Rediscovering Japan’s Irori shows a floor plan of a minka. Here are photos of that minka, a documentary, recommended books, and museums with minka.

Other Notable Acquisitions

Discover some of the new prints added to the Duits Collection. Part 2.

New Acquisitions

Discover some of the new prints added to the Duits Collection. Part 1.

Empire of Color (4)

How 19th century Japanese artists mastered the art of hand colored photography. PART 4: Why Japan became the empire of hand colored photography.

Empire of Color (3)

How 19th century Japanese artists mastered the art of hand colored photography. PART 3: How colorists worked.

Empire of Color (2)

How 19th century Japanese artists mastered the art of hand colored photography. PART 2: Color as a competitive tool.

Empire of Color (1)

How 19th century Japanese artists mastered the art of hand colored photography. PART 1: How photography reached Japan.

Smoking the Kiseru

Japanese potter and former Living National Treasure Sakaida Kakiemon XIV on smoking the kiseru.

15 Years 'Old Photos of Japan'

On 30 March 2007, exactly 15 years ago today, I posted the very first article on Old Photos of Japan.